What film (machine wrap | stretch film | plastic wrap) is needed for a wrapper with a pre-stretch film carriage?

All pallet wrapping machines with pre-stretch run industry standard machine film; typically "Machine film, 20" Roll width, 10" Diameter".

An ever diminishing number of machines use 30" Roll width film.
There are only two (2) industry standard sizes for film, 20" and 30".

The thickness of the film is typically expressed as 'Gauge' (Ga), with thinner film being lower numbers, eg. 40 Ga is thinner than 90 Ga.

Typically, a 50 or 60 Ga film is used when load retention is less important and you want more of a dust cover than a secure wrap.

80 to 90 Ga is typically used when the loads are heavier and load retention is more important.

If you need both light and heavy application of film for different load types, you can use a lighter film, and simply increase the number of wraps on loads that require better retention.  It takes longer to wrap the heavy loads, but saves you from having to change your film roll each time you have different load types.

Wrapper Direct Inc.

Whitby, Ontario, Canada

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